Today is the third day Alycia is off diapers during her afternoon nap and I must say, both Alycia and I did a good job. When I woke Alycia up to pee an hour later into her nap, she wasn’t cranky but just a tad bit groggy and I had to half carry her up from the mattress on the floor to the potty. After peeing, she went back to sleep without any fuss. She’s now peacefully sleeping on the mattress. I better go and whisper some magical words into her ears now to brainwash her not to pee in her pants….
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wah, after pee still can continue to sleep. how fuss free.
you are great mum, both my kids still with diapers when nap time, I must train them, but they can’t sleep again if I wake them up for pee.