Sherilyn has super duper itchy fingers. Daddy had brought back Mickey and Pooh Bear from the storeroom in his office a couple of days ago. The gals has so many toys I had to keep some in our house storeroom and another batch in daddy’s office. We bring out the ‘ new old toys’ once in a while and keep the current old ones so that they have ‘new’ toys to play with all the time.
Within half an hour of playing with the ‘new’ Mickey Mouse toy after daddy had brought it back, I saw Sherilyn sitting quietly on the floor digging out Mickey’s eyes. When daddy asked her why she dug out Mickey’s eyes, Sherilyn’s reply was “got poop inside the eyes.” Daddy then asked her where she had kept Mickey’s eyes, Sherilyn replied “flooded away di.” Super good excuses!
Yesterday, she removed Pooh Bear’s t-shirt and Mickey’s shorts and tried to wear them but they got stuck on her legs. This brat is always bursting with ideas. Sometimes I dont know whether to laugh or get mad at her. She makes me fuming mad yet never fails to douse off the fire raging in my head with her antics.
Naked Mickey and Pooh Bear.
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haahhhaa…..your gal is really funny. Mine too likes to take things off the toys but she’s still not into furry toys yet.
haha, very funny. The first pic itself already made me laugh
Hi HFM–it’s such a good idea to “rotate” toys with children. Take out some for a while and then put them back into rotation.
Now I don’t blame her for wanting to pull out Mickey’s eyes, I’ve had that urge with most of the Disney charaters too (smile).
oppsss….poor Mickey 🙁
Hahaha!! Your girls are so funny. It’s just something they would do, isn’t it? Oh…children really are our best teachers. And hahaha to the New Parent too.
aiyo poor mickey..sudah blinded LOL