I am really pissed off with Streamyx as the connection has been unstable for the last 2 days. I woke up at 3am today when the alarm from a car parked outside a condo opposite my house went off for almost 4 hours. So I went downstairs to my computer to check for offers but the internet connection keeps breaking up. So I went back to sleep but just couldn’t sleep as the stupid car alarm kept wailing away so loudly. When I woke up at 6am, thank God the internet connection was up again and I saw an email from one review company informing me that there’s an offer but when I’d logged into the website, the offer was already taken up. What the fun! Had the internet connection been up, I could have accepted the offer when I woke up at 3am. This has happened twice already and I’m just so pissed off. What the fish! Never mind lar, I still have a few more reviews to work on. Hopefully I’ll receive more offers today.
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