Ranting – Writing Paid Posts

I have just written and submitted a post for a review company. It has so many requirements attached to the offer in complicated instructions I almost went berserk. I had accepted this offer in the morning at about 9am and only managed to submit the post at 12noon. There were just too much disruptions in between. Lately, my 2 gals, especially Sherilyn, want so much of my attention. They want me to sit with them to do things with them almost the entire day! I am trying to concentrate typing but my 2 gals are constantly whining and fussing and tugging me. I tell you, I can go crazy like this. Lately, they also do not want to nap during the daytime, so that leaves me with no time to do my paid posts. That’s the reason why I have to wake up at ungodly hours in the wee hours of the morning to complete my assignments.

I have not been visiting many of my friends’ blogs lately as most of my time is just spent trying to complete assignments, reading to my gals, playing puzzles with them, drawing with them, attending to their wishes, whimps and fancies, etc. etc. Sorry…. i’ll try and drop by your blog today and kay poh to see what’s been happening. I still have a few more uncompleted assignments but i’ll give myself a rest first.

Aarrrggh…. Alycia is whining again screaming “i want mummy, i want mummy, i dont want kakak!!! “

No. of times viewed = 2449

Sherilyn Has Super Itchy Fingers

Sherilyn has super duper itchy fingers. Daddy had brought back Mickey and Pooh Bear from the storeroom in his office a couple of days ago. The gals has so many toys I had to keep some in our house storeroom and another batch in daddy’s office. We bring out the ‘ new old toys’ once in a while and keep the current old ones so that they have ‘new’ toys to play with all the time.

Within half an hour of playing with the ‘new’ Mickey Mouse toy after daddy had brought it back, I saw Sherilyn sitting quietly on the floor digging out Mickey’s eyes. When daddy asked her why she dug out Mickey’s eyes, Sherilyn’s reply was “got poop inside the eyes.” Daddy then asked her where she had kept Mickey’s eyes, Sherilyn replied “flooded away di.” Super good excuses!

Yesterday, she removed Pooh Bear’s t-shirt and Mickey’s shorts and tried to wear them but they got stuck on her legs. This brat is always bursting with ideas. Sometimes I dont know whether to laugh or get mad at her. She makes me fuming mad yet never fails to douse off the fire raging in my head with her antics.

Naked Mickey and Pooh Bear.

No. of times viewed = 289

Writing Paid Posts

This particular review company has not been releasing offers for almost 5 days. Most of my blogger friends also wonder why this company has not been releasing any offers for so long. Last night, they finally released one offer into my url but it’s on the same topic again. I accepted it anyway as I love this review company. They answer your e-mails promptly and are a good paymaster. 60% of my revenue is from this review company. One bad thing about this company is that they require you to have 2 non-paid posts between their paid posts which means that if I write 3 paid posts for this company in one day, i need to write 6 non-paid posts in between!

I hit the sack at 11ish pm last night as I was really worn out after days of waking up at ungodly hours to grab offers and to complete my assignments. I woke up at 5:30am this morning to complete some of my assignments and I still have a few more to complete.

It’s 6:30am now. I’m going to write one more review and then I’ll head outside to my porch to jump on my trampoline. I love my work-out sessions as most of my ideas on writing start pouring out during this time.

No. of times viewed = 221