Cracked Heel-File

This is not a hair brush, it’s a cracked heel-file which my dear mil sent to me from Hong Kong last week.

For years, I’ve been battling cracked heels and I have really rough and ugly heels. My mil had advised me to use her cracked heel-file when she came back last month but I was too lazy and busy to use it. For years, I’ve been applying Elgy cracked heel cream, vaseline, shear butter paste, Rosken extra dry skin lotion, Savlon, Bepanthen baby cream, etc. etc. I’ve tried almost all the creams one can find from the pharmacy but none helped to relieve my cracked heel until I used this cracked heel-file. The result is amazing and just after 1 use, I saw DRAMATIC results. I’ve now used it religiously for 5 days already and I am so happy with the results. My heels are so much smoother now.

For those of you with cracked heels problem, go get this gadget, it really works for me, and I must thank my mil for it.

This is NOT a sponsored post 🙂

No. of times viewed = 486

Toys That Sharpen The Mind

SIL#3 bought this educational toy from New Zealand for the gals months back but it’s only recently that I have brought out this toy for them to play. I have a cupboard full of new toys, books, colour pencils and stickers that my sils had bought the gals and I release them bit by bit.

For this toy, someone must sit with the child to guide her with it. It’s both educational and fun. Alycia can sit with me for almost an hour to play with this toy but Sherilyn will be messing up the blocks. Anyway, Sherilyn has learnt some of the shapes through playing with this toy. Now, both Alycia and Sherilyn know the basic shapes like circle, square, heart, oval, star, diamond, semi-circle, crescent, pentagon and rectangle. They can pronounce octagon and hexagon but can’t tell which is which.

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