The weather here in KL has been sweltering during the day of late. So I fished out the gals’ old water-filled teething rings that have been lying in the freezer for almost 1 year+ and let them have fun with them.
They call their frozen teething rings ‘ice-cream’ and they’ve been licking and playing with them for 5 straight days without any signs of getting bored with it. Good. At least the old toys are not put to waste.
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my spoil rotten girls would demand the “real thing” coz the grandparents give in to all their whims and fancies!!
that’s the great part of a SAHM…the kids dun get spoilt rotten!
this would have caused Alycia’s non stop coughing, don’t you think so?
Mommy of 2 angels… same here. If I go bk to my hometown, my parents, esp the gals’ kung kung would spoilt them rotten with junkies too. I guess all grandparents are the same 🙂
Girlie… come to think of it, maybe the frozen teething ring was one of the culprits. I know for sure it was becoz we inhaled the stinky smog during an anti-Aedes mozzies fogging carried out last week, coz the gals were at the park when the foggers came.
Cute idea..!