Sherilyn Fell Off The Bed

Sherilyn gave daddy and mummy a big scare early this morning when she rolled off our masterbed and landed on the parquet floor with a loud thud. After both the gals had finished their milk, Alycia went back to sleep while Sherilyn, as usual, climbed onto our bed and slept next to daddy. I then went into the bathroom to have a quick scrub and left the bathroom door ajar. Minutes later, I heard a loud thud. I quickly opened the bathroom door and saw my poor Sherilyn on the floor wailing her lungs out and daddy sprung out from bed to pick Sherilyn up and soothed her. I then ran out from the bathroom, with water still dripping down my wet body and hugged my poor baby. Mummy’s hug and comfort seemed to subdue her a little and thank God, minutes later, Sherilyn stopped crying and was her normal self again. Till now, there’s still no vomitting and she is as hyperactive and cheeky as usual and eating like normal.

This is the 2nd time Sherilyn had fallen off the bed. Last year when she was 12 months old, she fell off Auntie Connie’s bed when we stayed there after our house was submerged in flood water. We brought her to the hospital as I’d thought she had broken her nose coz she landed face down on the floor and there was a light bruise mark on her nose. She survived that minor accident without any injuries too. Then a few months later, she was hit by a swing when she darted across a boy on a fast moving swing at the park. Again, she miraculously survived that accident though she almost gave me a heart attack when I saw her covered with mud. Months later, she broke her left thumb when it got squashed by a steel door. I also had a near miss heart seizure.

Well, toddlers are made to be resilient, aren’t they? That’s the wonder of God’s works.

No. of times viewed = 170

Weaning Off Diapers During Bedtime

Alycia is exactly 3.5 years old this month. She’s 90% off diapers and only wears diapers during naptime in the day and during the night before bed. For months, I’ve been wanting to wean her off diapers completely but procrastinated coz the gals fell ill continuously at the beginning of the year plus I am lazy and don’t have the zeal to pull myself off the bed the whole night to put her on the potty to pee. I know if she’s off diapers completely, that’s going to save DH LOTS of money on diapers. You know how costly Mamy Poko diapers are. Furthermore, I’m not sure how Alycia will react if I were to jolt her from slumberland to have her sit on her potty to pee. I think she’ll most likely holler and wail in defiance and startle everyone in the house, not to mention our poor neighbours. This could go on for days, if not weeks or months.

How am I to know if my child is ready to be potty trained during naptime and bedtime? Well, Alycia still wakes up with an overloaded diaper and most of the time, she would even wet her clothes and the bed.

Would experienced parents care to share your experience?

No. of times viewed = 744

Simple, Healthy and Tasty Dishes

On Sunday, we feasted at PJ Hilton to celebrate Father’s Day. Normally after having buffet for lunch, I’d have an ultra light dinner consisting of only vegetables and soup. The gals will still eat their regular dinner. This is what we had for dinner on Sunday, something light and simple, after pigging out during lunch :

Stir-fried turnip with shredded carrots, mushrooms, dried shredded cuttlefish and diced chicken breast. This dish is the gals’ favourite, as well as mine.

Steamed egg with minced chicken meat, sweet corn, spring onions, soya sauce and sesame seed oil. I call it Chawan Mushi (a Japanese steamed egg dish which the gals love) and the gals think it is Chawan Mushi and so devour it too.

Plain french beans, microwaved. This is plain and rather tasteless but the gals love it anyway, especially Sherilyn my little herbivore who loves nibbling on the beans.

No. of times viewed = 277

Tag : Blogivitis

I was just about to write about why I am so hooked on blogging until I read Jazzmint‘s blog and found out that she had tagged me on a similar topic. Good tag Jazzmint and ‘thanks’ for the tag!

Here are the 10 reasons why I think I am infected with this difficult-to-treat ‘Blogivitis’ disease and the effect Blogivitis has on me :

1) I spend around 6 hours on the computer daily.

2) My mind revolves around blogging practically the whole day. Well, this is not a negative point. At least it keeps my mind positively occupied and active and keeps me sane from my 2 lil brats. Blogging helps me to de-stress.

3) I try to sneak to my computer at every opportunity I can seize.

4) I have never loved my digital camera this much before I started blogging. Thanks to my loh koong chai for getting me a new digital camera for my birthday 3 months ago. My camera is now with me all the time and I snap at every single object, food or situation that interests me. When it comes to food, even DH knows that I have to snap pix first before he or the gals get to devour on the food and even takes the initiative to arrange the food presentably. No matter how famished they are, they have to WAIT for mummy to take pictures first.

5) My kids…. I take pix of my kids when they play, sleep, cry, laugh, look cute or funny, sad or silly, angry or happy, ridiculous or gross….. I capitalize on every situation so that I have lots to write about my 2 very interesting kids. My kids also get to read about their journal and see how wonderful or terrible they had been when they are old enough to read.

6) At times, I feel like a walking zombie as a result of loosing sleep from blogging.

7) DH is complaining that I am going bonkers over blogging.

8) I’ve never been so interested in IT and web page design till I started blogging. When I was still working, I had scores of IT staff assisting and spoon-feeding me whenever IT problems cropped up, thus I never really had to crack my brain or take the initiative to learn up IT. So from an almost IT retard, I must say that my IT knowledge and skills have improved by leaps and bounds eversince I started blogging 2 months ago.

9) I have made friends with so many wonderful blogging mommies and daddies who have
been giving me wonderful comments to keep me motivated.

10) My hubby and kids fight with me over the computer.

Now I’m going to pass this tag to these 5 great bloggers whom I think are just as obsessed with blogging as I am :

Chin Nee
Baby Shern
Big Pumpkin
Cairo’s mom

No. of times viewed = 202

Let Me Call Daddy

This morning as we were preparing for breakfast, Sherilyn was looking for her favourite orange plastic bowl. She hunted for it everywhere but could not find it. Minutes later, she ran to the hall, climbed up a chair and began ‘dialling’ the phone.
I saw her in a ‘conversation’ with daddy asking daddy if he has seen her orange bowl and then ‘chatted’ with daddy, giggling all the time. About 2 minutes later, she ended the call by saying “bye daddy, gud nite” and put the receiver back.

No. of times viewed = 209

Sherilyn Takes 2 Hours To Eat

Yup, no joke. Sherilyn takes 2 hours or more to finish her lunch and dinner. She has the habit of storing the food in her mouth before deciding whether to swallow them or spit them out or at times she’d decide to be a ruminant, like a cow.

Thank God my maid has the patience to sit patiently and wait for Sherilyn to finish her meals coz I definitely have no patience sitting at the dining table for 2 hours trying to coax or bribe her to swallow her food. I’d rather be clearing the table and washing the dishes.

A few days ago, Sherilyn had spent close to 1.5 hours to finish off her cereal and Mac n Cheese during lunch. Later she saw me eating toasted bread and begged for a slice. I then gave her a slice of toast with organic strawberry jam (her favourite) and she decided she wanted to toss and flip the toast as if she was making roti canai and then…….

… she flipped the toast, it flew right down to the floor. Aarrgghhh….great….. no more toast for her. I was actually relieved that the bread had dropped, otherwise I’d have have to wait for another one hour for her to finish off the toast.

No. of times viewed = 249

Glass Noodles

Alycia and Sherilyn had glass noodles with homemade fish paste and vegetables cooked in ‘sharks’ fins melon’ soup (a type of melon that resembles sharks’ fins after it’s boiled) for lunch yesterday. The gals love glass noodles and all types of noodles, especially noodles that are fried as well as pastas, macaroni and spaghetti.

No. of times viewed = 174

Anything For You My Princess

Alycia always imagines she is a princess. For the past 1 week, Alycia has been demanding that daddy carries her off her bed in the mornings and then carries her downstairs like a princess. Last night when daddy was tucking her to bed she said “daddy tomorrow you carry me downstairs, k” and this morning, daddy waited for Alycia to wake up before he went to his office, carried her off the bed and gave her a morning peck on her cheeks before carrying her like a princess downstairs for breakfast. Wah… this daddy is ever ready to accomodate all the “your wishes are my command” from his 2 princesses. I wonder if my wish is his command too….

No. of times viewed = 173

Final My List

This is the final My List from Daryl.

Let’s link each other up and scratch each other’s backs, shall we?

Once Upon A Time Money Making Blog Bubba Stuff Little Raymond’s quaint melody Seraph Chronicles Route Brumeuse Coder’s Talk Reggae And SKA Art Of ApOgEE THE VEGEMASTER LIFE Boonage Coretan Pengalaman Mat Silverhorsegunnysack BLUEAPPLE scribbles Diet & Detoxification Karma Kameleon Hsien’s Dirty Little Secret The Rojak Blog keeyit My Life Online Fun Stuffs Donny’s Bits Nicholas Chan’s Blog dream of’s DESIGN strike freedom 115 Truly Malaysia It’s another new day Lisan’s Scribbles Ramblings of a 22 years old The Towering Joe Life’s a Breeze Life’s Roller Coaster AceOne118 In His Time in His time The New Sanctuary a life full of surprises Sketches of Life Shannon’s Old Space Pikey Dude SEO & Online Marketing Blog Snapshots kahpengBlog I am Who I am yung . silent whisper Simple Life One blog.One girl.One story The World Through My Eyes Why Malaysia? Etcetera~Etcetera Giddy Tigers Make Money Online: Exploring The Dark Side of Blogging Xilly’s Blog Malaika Xiao Yu My Home Recipe SQKIKI’s Simple Tech Nukilan Jejari Azhad ITCHY HANDseng Just My Lil’ Organic Life Oooh La La… Weird World of MerapuMan Fibre Art The World at My Fingertips Organic Income Organic Parade Shopping Flavor Daily postings of a chung ling student Something about LAI KennyP’s Technology Blog Women Mumbles Lyon & Wien Under The SUN Crumbs In Life SotongZai’s Flow In the Ocean allthingspurple Christene’s Kitchen [ Wood ] [ Earth ] [ Cheap ] [ Flight ] COMtech Ah Ling’s blog Memoirs.:*CRoSs mY hE@Rt ~WoOLaLA~ vivivava Design My Mothering Corner Shoppingmum’s Home Office My Filling Station Shopping Mum All about Beauty Shoppingmum and Kids datotalrandommessy.grey Notes from my heart Joy Montessori wahlau’s online hut Cedric’s Asylum mott’s mutterings Just My Thoughts delephant Incoherent Ramblings HOT STUFF Make Money Online with Malaysia Love AGLOCO MONTESSORIMUM.COM Funky Cookies Earn Money Online PabloPabla’s Whatever Make Money with Blogging Paris Beaverbanks Free Links Giveaway Free Blogger Templates Blogsreview.Net Making a Living 5xmom How to be a Better Blogger My Women Stuff Hochiak! Delicious Asian Food Best Recipes Champagne Tastes on a Beer Budget Daryl’s Discovery Journey The fluff must go somewhere
Kitchen Experiments Elliottwave Signal Internet-Crazy Blog Newopps Blog Make Money Online Review Center Little Penang iFlicks Healing tips and home remedies Ornamental Fish Grasp! Seize! Get hold of it! Life Snapshot Mental Freedom, Por Favor Eat. Live. Be Merry! Funny Junk Addicting Flash Games Pictures Video Clips mott’s island Clinke Bidding Directory Blog Easy Home Cooking Pink Poison Store Show Me Health Biz The Undeniable Beauty – Revamped An Anonymous Journal Cyberpartygal Blank Canvas She Rambles On charcamayne Money Online Adsense Money Tips For Adsense Belajar Cara Membuat Blog WordPress Usahawan Internet Peluang Perniagaaan Internet iNicholas Made In Penang Syaf The Geek snapshots of life with Cheng Leng Blogging Through Depression & Life Trying to Save Money novatech personal playground Little World Of Thoughts Sumber Dekorasi & Laman Anda INSIDE MY MIND Sleepy As Usual blogs” href=”” target=_blank>thoughts —> blogs Share Everything In Life Value Bookshop’s Reading Notes Tips and Tricks to Happy Parenting BERSAMA MEMBINA KEJAYAAN THE BITCH CLUB datotalrandommessy.grey Artmaker life is beautiful Adino Online Penang Homes Physical-e A Mom’s Diary Health Freak Mommy – It’s hot Tracking Movies SquareCookies MonkeyWong Voice of a Glass Doll Online Article Directory Bambang Wise Life Advice Kaklong Online Portal Down Memory Lanes Sleeping Princess Online Bisnes Forex Marketing Blog project010 ProTechWang.Com Bleargh Pigeon Card Pianologist KCLau’s Money Tips The Great Swifty Speaketh Mr & Mrs. Imran If fate allow our destinies to meet From chopstix to steak knives Where’s My Noose? Duke Amiene Rev Mum & Kids In Wonderland Yum-Yum Cuisine Software, Web Development and Technology just another ordinary story Mummy In Vain’s Little World How To Solve Your Question FáLLiÑg LéÃVéS add this to my life Free Encyclopedia High Paying Keywords try-test arshad’s photojourney EvelynHolic Lovelymummy’s Bay My Yummy Cruise Home Sweet Home Lovely Mummy OnlineBisnes Malay Blog Purest of e2wen MyAnimes MySpace Blog Badruzamani.Org Parenting Life Forum Newbie Bisnes Internet & Blogger Mohd Sufian A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words hcfoo’s blog Amazing Grace The Sanctuary Welcome To cHrIstInA_YY’s Pink World Defying Destiny Dead Boredom Seeking Freedom Travelogue An amazing & adventurous journey Erin Nurjenna [B][E][A][U][T][I][F][U][L] Fluffy’s Day Off My Fairy-Tale

No. of times viewed = 372

Mac & Cheese

Alycia and Sherilyn love macaroni & cheese to bits. I used to buy the instant ones like San Remo or Kraft’s Mac & Cheese but I don’t quite like the additives inside. So with a little creativity, I cook my own mac & cheese for them, which is more wholesome, though the cheese that I put in has preservatives, but I’ve got no choice since most off-the-shelf cheeses have preservative in them.

This is the mac & cheese that I cooked for lunch yesterday with home-made fish paste and chopped french beans cooked in lotus root soup, formula milk powder, some butter and 1 slice of Kraft Light cheese.

And this small bowl is for Sherilyn.

Lotus root soup with peanuts, red bean, red dates and kampung chicken.

No. of times viewed = 195

Sisters Yet So Different

Alycia and Sherilyn are so alike in some ways, yet they are so different in many areas. It baffles me to think how 2 babies by the same creators and from the same outlet could be so different. Here are some of Alycia’s and Sherilyn’s dissimilarities:

1) Alycia is fair like snow white whilst Sherilyn is hitam-manis (tan but charmingly sweet!)

2) Alycia has big round eyes with double eye-lids but Sherilyn has almond-shaped eyes with single eye-lids.

3) Many people had commented that Alycia has pan-Asian looks because of her complexion, big eyes and light brown hair and Sherilyn has Japanese/Korean-like features mainly because of her single eye-lids and rose-bud lips.

4) Alycia poops easily and frequently and was once hospitalized due to excessive diarrhoea. Sherilyn on the other hand has a hard time pooping all the time. We would cheer and clap our hands in victory when she could finally strain out a pebble size poop whenever she suffered from constipation. During her infant years, she could go days without pooping and would sometimes require enema to help her poop.

5) Alycia is a hard-core meat eater and a discerning food-lover and gets motivated and all excited when she sees food but Sherilyn is the exact opposite… she is a herbivore, not too adventurous with food, dislikes meat and does not get excited when faced with mouth-watering food. She is so content with her cereal, milk, eggs and bread.

6) Alycia is shy with strangers, needs time to warm-up to strangers and an introvert but Sherilyn is a social butterfuly, witty, fears no strangers, is an extrovert and a real chatterbox.

These are Alycia’s and Sherilyn’s similarities :

1) Both have the sweetest dimples on both sides of their cheeks. At times, I would be asked by strangers if they are twins and I would go huh….they look alike meh?

2) Both love to sing and draw.

3) Both are Barney crazed.

4) And most of all, both Alycia and Sherilyn are loved equally by daddy & mummy unconditionally. Whoever is prettier, cleverer or fairer does not matter, daddy & mummy love them both deeply and equally.

No. of times viewed = 200

Switching Places

3 days ago, Alycia and Sherilyn decided they wanted to switch places during dinner time. Alycia had wanted to sit on her sister’s high chair, use her bowl and insisted to eat cereal whilst Sherilyn agreed to sit on her cheh cheh’s booster seat, use cheh cheh’s bowl and eat her dinner without blending them.

I knew Alycia hates cereal and would never eat them (she never liked cereal when she was a baby) but I made her some cereal anyway to satisfy her whimps and fancies and also to prevent a meltdown during dinner. As I’d expected, the moment my maid put a small spoonful of cereal into her mouth, she spat it out, eyes turned watery and eeyweeeookkk……. wanted to puke, as seen in the picture below.

After trying hard to suppress herself from puking while choking and trying to cough out the remnance of the cereal from her throat, she finally ppppppuuuuuuuked out her dinner….. eeeeeshhh…… made me want to puke too.

Sherilyn was instead happily sitting on cheh cheh’s seat and eating her unblended food, though she spat out some meat….. and then finished off cheh cheh’s cereal.

There’s never a dull moment when you have 2 brats!

No. of times viewed = 298

Money In My PayPal Account :) :)

Woohoo…..I can finally see money in my PayPal account. 2 weeks ago, Bloggerwave sent me my payment, then last week I received payment from Blogitive and today, 5 more payments from Blogitive and 1 royalty payment from Cremaid. What a sense of achievement I get looking at my account in PayPal.

Blogitive is rather prompt in their payment and I must say Cremaid is the quickest. 3 days ago, I had posted an article for them and today, Cremaid e-mailed me to inform me that my post has been selected to appear on the Conversation “ Hotel Discounts”. This post will be syndicated to the widgets included inside each of the participating posts. And today itself, Cremaid sent me my payment, as promised by them of a 24-hour payment.

Gee…. seeing money in my PayPal account really motivates me to write more.

Now, I better key in my youngest sil’s US bank account number into my PayPal account to transfer my funds into her account.

I wonder when PayPal will resolve their technical glitch.

No. of times viewed = 340

Sherilyn’s Quirks

My Sherilyn seems to have many quirks. Apart from her craze with cloth nappies, recently she developed another bizarre tendency of bringing an item with her to sleep. This item can be her bear bear, Elmo soft toy, Minnie Mouse soft toy, Hello Kitty purse, a book and yesterday, she brought 2 Mega blocks to bed and insisted to have the blocks put on her pillow. She seems to feel very secured when there’s a toy next to her when she naps during the day or sleeps at night. Alycia didn’t have this quirk when she was Sherilyn’s age till now.

Anyone has toddlers with this strange behaviour too?

No. of times viewed = 214

Sherilyn Finally Eats Unblended Food

Yay! Sherilyn has finally been eating unblended food for the last 3 days. As she has been showing signs for the pass few days that she has had enough of blended food coz whenever my maid fed her blended rice with dishes, she gave an expression as if she wanted to puke and kept saying “i dowan blended rice”. So 3 days ago, we gave her unblended food and she was so pleased though she still spat out most of the meat and took almost 2 hours to finish her bowl of food. Only my maid has the patience to sit at the dining table for 2 hours to feed Sherilyn.

Yay… unblended food finally.

I can chew mummy… but I still don’t like meat.

Sherilyn’s meal of rice, steam tofu, vege and ‘tai yi mar kar lui’ (stir-fried melon with chicken breast, dried shrimps and toong fun)

No. of times viewed = 291