Hubby’s Car Got Hit

2 nights ago after a game of basketball, DH went for supper with his basketball mates. After supper, as DH was about to make a right turn at a corner, a drunkard hit his new car and the bugger wanted to escape. There were dents and scratches across the left doors. Fortunately DH’s basketball mates are all lanky and muscular and they jumped out from DH’s car and tried to prevent the drunkard from escaping. The drunkard whose breath smelled heavily of alcohol got intimated by the group of muscular guys and without any coercion admitted his fault, gave his identity card and business card to DH and agreed to pay the repair cost and end of story. Now, DH got to get his car fixed. Sigh, DH seems to be unlucky driving MPVs… his first MPV was submerged in flood water last year, then when the MPV was fixed, it got stolen and now the 2nd MPV got hit pulak. Really freaky!

No. of times viewed = 260

Hawkers Food

My all-time favourite hawkers food, bought from the pasar malam (night market) a few nights ago:

Stuffed fish paste in puffed tofu. This delicacy is high in protein and low in carb, just the perfect food for the Atkin’s Diet follower.

Popiah. Not quite an Atkin’s food but I love it anyway. I just eat the stuffings of turnip, eggs, bean sprouts, fried shallots minus the skin.

No. of times viewed = 174

Fun At Westin Hotel

These pictures were taken at the Westin Hotel today where we had buffet lunch.

That’s me with Alycia and Sherilyn at the dessert counter. Alycia’s eyes were fixated at the pralines and when I was busy carrying Sherilyn, she managed to stealthily popped a few into her mouth without me noticing. Daddy saw but kept quiet but told me later when we were at the car. Great…. when she complains of sore throat later, you go kau tim her.

Ooohh…. look at the mouth-watering tempting strawberries on the cheesecake.

Alycia and Sherilyn went crazy over the bread sticks and that was the only food apart from her good ol’ cereal that Sherilyn ate though there was so much delicious food on the buffet counter.

Yuuuuuuummmmm….. sennnnnnng……Alycia and Sherilyn love to toast with daddy.

Sherilyn was very tired but very happy that alas, she got her flower shaped balloon from Mr Clown.

On our way home.

No. of times viewed = 247