I am sure those who bought the Star newspapers today got an insert of a huge, attractive and colourful flyer from Toys R Us. Whenever Alycia and Sherilyn see these flyers, they will go oooohh & aaahhh and the 2 of them will spend a good half an hour studying each and every toy advertised in the flyer, discussing amongst themselves what to ask daddy to buy. Now, that’s another free and good breather opportunity for me.
Let’s ask daddy tonight to buy us this, this and this toys, k.
Good taste you two have darlings…. that rabbit slide set costs RM449.95 Alycia girl…. and Sherilyn sweetie that playhouse cost RM1,299 wei… u think your daddy is a millionaire?
Sisters play turn ugly… Alycia snatched the flyer away from Sherilyn. Now, that’s a very good excuse for mummy not to buy anyone any toys.
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so cute both of them 🙂
Hi HFM–wait, isn’t Daddy rich (laugh)!
Thank you for stopping over at my blog and I left an answer about reading. Let me know if I was too general and if there are any other questions.
Your daughters look beautiful. Thank you for sahring this post!
wah.. got discussion session somemore! hehehe.. so cute!!
Your girls are really, really, really cute. What do you feed them? They are just so cuddly, wuddly!!!
Everytime I want to make a comment, I can never get in – so popular ah you? Always traffic jam….
Over here, everyone else buys Tee toys and I can’t stop them!
Chin Nee… cute & sometimes they are like monsters & really know how to boil my blood.
New Parent… i’ll chk out ur blog in a moment. Tks 4 dropping by.
Blur Mummy…my gals hv lotsa discussions amongst themselves & sometimes only they understand their own talks & no one else does.
Big Pumpkin… i never thot it’d be difficult to leave a comment on my blog.
Tee is soooo lucky that she’s so loved & being pampered with so many toys. Tee is also super cute.
Abilash also found the flyer & took it to show his older bro. Actually DH hid it as we kept it to find something to buy for his nephew whose bday is coming soon
Hey Sheela, good to see u here. Tks 4 dropping by.
So what r u buying 4 ur nephew?
We were out at Mid Valley the whole of today & DH bot the gals a yellow bus tunnel. Shall snap some pix of our outing & the new toy & post it in my blog tomorrow.