For the past 1 week, Sherilyn has been obssessed with nappies, yeah, of all things, it has to be cloth nappies. The moment she wakes up in the morning, she will grab a nappy and tie it round her shoulders, like a cape and refuses to let go of the nappy. She will then bring the nappy to the toilet, bathroom, when she naps, when she sits and eat on her highchair and even wore the ridiculous looking nappy cape when I brought her out for her evening walk with Alycia and my maid yesterday. I was so embarassed when passers-by stared at her and laughed, really malu :blush:
Besides this strange quirk, she’s also super whinny and cranky for the past 1 week. Oh God, I just hope these are not foreboding symptoms that she’s going to fall sick soon coz Alycia just recovered from a slight cold. Or could it be she’s just obssessed with Baby Bop and its yellow blankey?
I like my white-tie blankie in the day and night. I love this song by Baby Bop mommy.
Sherilyn running around the house with her ridiculous looking nappy cape.
Sherilyn went for her evening walk and jumped on the trampoline in her nappy cape like a ‘sor poh’ (mad woman) ha ha….
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