Exotic Fruits

The other day, hubby bought some fruits from this fruit stall in PJ SS2 that sells a good variety of fruits. It’s located beneath Babyland. When he came home with the fruits, I was all smiles… coz he bought me my all-time favorite king of fruits – Musang King variety somemore (grin!), longans, huge red dragon fruits, huge golden kiwi (love them but they are darn expensive) and these exotic fruits:

Can anyone guess what fruit these are? These are pears. The skin is red but the flesh is white. The texture is like green Peckham pear but they are tasteless and hard and I wouldn’t buy them again. They cost RM11 for 7. There are still 6 in the fridge and I guess they will be sitting inside the fridge for a couple of weeks till they turn soft and mushy… ah, that’s when I’ll eat them coz I like pears that are soft and really ripe.

This is a custard apple. There used to be a fertile custard apple tree that bore lots of fruits in my old home when I was young, which my late maternal grandma planted. My brothers and I loved plucking them from the tree and eating them as dessert after our dinner.  I’ve not eaten them for yonks. So when I saw this fruit (cost RM5 each), I was excited. This huge custard apple tasted very sweet and I ate it when it was chilled. But my 2 older gals, sigh…. they didn’t want to have anything to do with the fruit, not even sniff it! Why? Beats me, maybe the fruit does not have an appealing appearance… you know, with lumps like that, it really did look dodgy in their eyes, haha!  I’m a big fan of fruits and we spend quite a bit on fruits each month.

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

11 thoughts on “Exotic Fruits”

  1. Better to spend on fruits than on other snacks. I notice my children’s health change after we changed our diet from snacks to fruits for tea time.

  2. custard apple, oh yes… i used to eat during my childhood time back in when i stayed with my granny ….. my granny will keep in the rice container till it really soft and sweet …. i miss the time … i miss the custard apple at my granny place, is really BIG and Sweet .

  3. My kids love custard apple and I buy them a lot lately. Maybe it’s the season? 😛
    But it’s slightly more expensive here, but the size, oh my, it’s so much bigger as comparing to those I had when I was young!

  4. I agree with you. The pears are lousy. looks nice but kinda tasteless, gimme the old fat packham greens anytime.
    I was just about the post on the custard apple too. YUmmyy… my favourite but it’s kinda hard to get. It’s Australian type but grown in Thailand, taste just like a cross between Msia and Australian custard apples. RM5 per fruit is kinda expensive. Tesco had offer for only RM6.99 per kg and at markets it’s only RM9 per kg. Works out to be abt RM3 per fruit. Amber loves tis custard apple !

  5. The red pears are just for esthetic reasons only, no diff. in taste or vitamins. I miss the c. apple terribly too…costs abt CAD8 for a pkg of 2 small ones and often they don’t ripen well. Aust has the best “custards”….AUD 3-4 / kg when in season, esp. in Queensland. They are huge and oh so sweet.

  6. Yep, hubby and I also spent a lot on fruits every month. When we were in UK, we hoarded boxes and boxes of different types of berries every week, my little girl can finish up 1 box of blueberries (250g) at one sitting! So, she needed 2 boxes of blueberries everyday when we were in the UK!

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